‘Not knowing is most intimate’ is an evolving thinking process without a settled trajectory, as how could it be otherwise? We float; companions in moments of not knowing, as a way of intimately being and becoming together. In these moments, a space is opened to the unexplainable, the unfathomable, the messy in their multiple bodies, shapes, and forms. Through a gradual unfurling, *Roll on, Roll on, Phenomena (until you are no more)* opens up ways of coming together through acts of not knowing and intimacy. Beginning in the studio, the program unfolds over time with a shifting rhythm, as it expands outward it moves through different spaces. Over time the program radiates out into the city where the studio circles back as an ever-changing space of communal gathering and momentary encounter.
Roll on, Roll on, Phenomena (until you are no more) looks at not knowing as more than saying ‘I don't know’, rather it is an entwined act of vulnerability and responsibility. Intimacy is proposed as the interconnected relationships that emerge, flicker, and disappear over and over again; that is opened out by not knowing. As a discursive exhibition program, the artworks, readings, talks, and audience become companions, intersecting, breaking apart, and reconfiguring in an iterative and continuous becoming with the world.
Charlotte Posenenske, DW Series, 1967, Van Eyck Academie. Courtesy of the Estate Of Charlotte Posenenske and Mehdi Chouarki, Berlin
Studio view, Van Eyck Academie
Miyeon Lee, The plain of GimJe - Land of my grandmother, painting, 2016, Van Eyck Academie. Image by Werner Mantz Lab
Katie West, Decolonist Meditation I, HD Video, 7 minutes, 2016, Van Eyck Academie. Installation View. Image by Werner Mantz Lab.
Katie West, Decolonist Meditation I, HD Video, 7 minutes, 2016. Video still.
Peach, Filet Américain, 2017, Van Eyck Academie.
Listening | A conversation with Louwrien Wijers, Tuesday 7 February, 2017, Van Eyck Academie. Image by Sol Archer
Excerpt from Art Meets Science and Spirituality in A Changing Economy, 1990.
Listening | A conversation with Louwrien Wijers, Tuesday 7 February 2017, Van Eyck Academie. Image by Sol Archer
Studio view, Van Eyck Academie.
Jo-ey Tang, Academieplein 1, 24 Nov 2016 - 11 Mar 2017, guitar strings, 2016, Van Eyck Academie. Image by Werner Mantz Lab
Charlotte Posenenske, DW Series, 1967, Van Eyck Academie. Image by Werner Mantz Lab.Courtesy of the Estate of Charlotte Posenenske and Mehdi Chouarki, Berlin
Studio view, Van Eyck Academie
Charlotte Posenenske, DW Series, 1967, Van Eyck Academie. Image by Werner Mantz Lab. Courtesy of the Estate Of Charlotte Posenenske and Mehdi Chouarki, Berlin
Charlotte Posenenske, DW Series, 1967, Van Eyck Academie. Image by Werner Mantz Lab. Courtesy of the Estate Of Charlotte Posenenske and Mehdi Chouarki, Berlin
Charlotte Posenenske, DW Series, 1967, Van Eyck Academie. Image by Werner Mantz Lab. Courtesy of the Estate Of Charlotte Posenenske and Mehdi Chouarki, Berlin